Monday, April 19, 2010

Corned Beef and Irish Brown Bread

A couple of weeks before St. Patrick's Day I decided to see if I could find a recipe to make my own corned beef. Well lo and behold of course I found one. And it turned out to be quite easy and ended up being very delicious. The main thing you need (beside a brisket) is time. I "corned" - essentially pickled - the beef for 8 days in the fridge. The pickling solution was a pretty basic brine of water, beer, salt, sugar, pickling spices and insta-cure #1. The insta-cure makes sure the beef stays a nice pink color. Here's a link to the full recipe...the corned beef and veggies turned out great.

I also made an Irish Brown Bread from my favorite bread book. It was a delicious meal...

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