Sunday, January 24, 2010

Training Log - 01/24/2010

Today was a much better workout than on Friday. I ran 4 10 minute repeats to total 41 minutes (the last was 11 min). This is the most I have run so far. I ran about 4 miles - I usually average about 10min/mile. It was raining as I ran but I felt good most of the time. After the last tough workout I had decided to have a goal but also a minimum. My goal was 4 repeats of 10min and the minimum was 3. I was dressed perfectly today. It was 45 degrees, cloudy and raining. I had on my running pants, shirt and yellow vest - with gloves and hat. Usually I overdress but this was perfect.

I still haven't gotten my new shoes yet - hopefully this week!

Time: 66min
Run: 41min (10min run; 3 min walk x 4 repeats - last was 11 minutes running)
Walk: 25min
Distance: 5.5 miles
Route: Caldart Extended
Reward: New shoes once I can run 30minutes without stopping. I DID IT!

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