Thursday, December 17, 2009

Training Log - 12/17/2009

I skipped Tuesday and Wednesday for two reasons. The weather was horrible and my legs were sore. Today was another day out on the roads and while tough it felt good. I set a PR today of 20minutes running.

Here's what I will call my normal route: Leave home and walk to Caldart. Walk down the hill and cross Hostmark - this is where I start running. Continue on Caldart crossing Lincoln to the end and turn around and return. If I run from Hostmark back to Hostmark that's 20 minutes of running.

I also changed my chart on the right. I'm now tracking distance in miles per week. My goal right now is 10miles per week and this will be increasing as I progress.

Time: 38min
Run: 20min
Walk: 18min
Distance: 3miles
Route: Caldart

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