Sunday, December 27, 2009


For Christmas Linda gave me the new book My Bread by Jim Lahey of Sullivan Street Bakery fame in New York. the book is absolutely beautiful. The recipes use his no-knead bread making techniques that I tried earlier this year. But now I have pictures and lots more recipes.

I also got some Christmas money as a gift from Momma Faria. So with that I went out and bought a Lodge cast iron dutch oven. Now I thought about getting a beautiful porcelain enameled one but in the end I just went with good old cast iron. I may get a fancy one yet but this is a great place to start.

I plan to cook through the book from the first recipe to the last - but the Chocolate Coconut Bread caught my eye and its the first one I made. I think it turned out okay but I think I placed the pot too close to the bottom of the oven and the bottom burned some. I'll raise the pot up one level and see if that helps. The bread tasted great. Meg and Lin liked it too.

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